I can't hold our secret in any longer...We are PREGNANT!!!! Our little sweet pea is due January 19th, 2012. I'll be nine weeks on Thursday and we have already had two ultrasounds done. Baby is doing good with a heartbeat at 171. Ahhh, that felt so good to let it all out! We are so excited to be adding to our little family.
Our son, Braeden, will be ten next month and yes that's a huge gap but it is what it is. We have been trying years for this baby and I don't care that I'm starting all over (I hear a lot of this already). I think we are more prepared now in our thirties then we were in our early twenties but we managed to raise one AWESOME boy!!!
I feel so much different w/ this pregnancy than I did w/ Braeden. First, I don't even feel pregnant at all. No morning sickness and I'm not tired. With Braeden I was so sick. I lost 20 lbs, had to be put in the hospital b/c I couldn't stop throwing up and I was tired all the time. I just pray that I don't get any morning sickness but I don't mind getting tired...I LOVE naps!
Now the countdown continues until we find out the gender of this baby. Grandma Lori already has her basketball team of boys...Now, she needs her cheerleader! No matter the gender, we just want our baby to be a healthy one =)