I've been plotting for about a month on how we would tell my mother-in-law the news if this baby was a girl. I wanted to make it super duper special for her. We have no girls on my husband's side of the family. My in-laws had three boys and those three boys all had boys, giving them 5 AWESOME little grand dudes!!! Yep, that's right all boys and they all start w/ a B...Braeden, Boston, Bryson, Blayne and Brody.
When I found out I was pregnant my brother, Vince, said "it's a girl!" Grandma Lori already has her basketball team of 5 boys and now this one is her cheerleader and he was right!!!
So back to the surprise...The pictures pretty much tell the story. When she got home from work she had a puzzle on her sidewalk...the suspense...and then she opened her gift and cried!!...mission accomplished =)
P.S. for those of you wondering if little miss pease will have a "B" name...The answer is no, she gets her own letter...lol!!!!
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