Corbin & Melinda are just picture perfect! Such a gorgeous couple and fun personalities. I enjoyed my session with them =) Can't wait till the next one...hint, hint...lol!

Here's one of my FAVORITE families to photograph...I LOVE hanging out with this family and watching the kids grow. They always make me feel welcome and are up for anything during the session. Even though it was a hot muggy evening we managed not to melt away and I captured some AMAZING photos!!

Here's another beautiful family! Little man was full of energy and the mosquitos were out biting...ouch! I managed to get in some shots and here's some of my favorites.

Here's that family again! This was actually our first session and dad couldn't make it b/c he was out in the fields farming. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these images! Who doesn't love an evening fire w/ some smores?!?!...and the lights, can't forget the lights...felt like fireflies in the air.
I can't believe summer is almost over with and the kids will be going back to school =(

Another one of my FAVORITE families!!! I LOVE photographing this family! Troy & Sarah are always smokin up the lens...lol!!! And I never know what I'm going to get with the kids, they are unpredictable BUT that's a PLUS!!! Little Sienna who never smiles for me actually gave me some smiles and Eve was being a little diva...lol! Hope you liked your sneak peek!
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