My grandma is the reason I relay. She passed away on July 27, 2008 from pancreatic cancer. She was fine, living a wonderful life and all of a sudden she became very ill the end of June and about a week before she passed, we found out that she had cancer.
When she left us, my world came crashing down. I was very close to my grandma and my son was very close to her as well. How do you explain to a 7 year old that his grams is sick and it's her time to go to Heaven. We'll no longer be able to go to her house to visit her and do the things we enjoyed with her...like putting puzzles together, watching movies, listening to spanish music, eating her yummy spanish food, crafts and making her laugh =)
Both our hearts broke the day she left us. She was my hero, my everything and I wanted to keep her memory alive!!!
I relay in memory of my Grandma Sally. I also relay for those who are battling with cancer or has lost their battle. I HOPE one day they find a cure and there will no longer be any suffering!
If you would like to join my relay team please click on this link below.
My team name is Pixel Pacers and we would love to have you...Here's to HOPE for a cure!!!
I love hearing the stories of why people Relay. We all have been touched by cancer in some way, and it changes our lives forever. I have met so many amazing, strong and inspiring people through the American Cancer Society and Relay For Life. I am proud to join in the fight against cancer with you!
ReplyDeleteThis story hits home with me. I lost my best friend (aka: my grandma) to myelodysplasia, a pre-leukemia. She passed in October 2007 and it still hurts today to think of her and all she has missed with her growing family since her passing. Keep up the good work with the relay.