My relay team, Pixel Pacers, hosted a Zumbathon yesterday to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Liv-Fit Hicksville was generous enough to donate their time to instruct the class. We not only raised a bunch of money but we all had a blast!!!! This was my very first Zumba class and I must say the 2 hour workout kicked my butt!!!! It's a good thing I've been working out this past month or else I would have been on the ground 20 minutes into the workout. It was super intense and I LOVED IT, can't wait to start going every week!!!!
A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Liv-Fit Hicksville, Jason Pastor of Pure Volume and everyone who came out to support this event!!!!!
As of right now we raised $945 from our Zumbathon...Yay, GO US!!!!
Love all of the Zumba pictures!! Steph's expressions crack me up :)